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Sudden infant death syndrome

Sudden cardiac death is one of the most common causes of death in Europe, and in fact the most common in the Western world.

Although it primarily affects older persons, in 5 to 10% of these cases it is young, seemingly healthy people who suffer cardiac death. In infants, children and young adults, with an occurrence of 1 to 5 for every 100,000 persons per year, sudden cardiac death is relatively rare. And yet, up to 7000 asymptomatic children die every year in the USA alone.

In up to 30% of all deaths, a cause of death cannot be determined.

Providing support to affected families

Talking to family members who have lost a child due to sudden cardiac death poses a unique challenge for doctors and relatives, alone because of the sudden and unexpected nature of the death. The loss of a child is in itself a very painful experience for parents, sudden infant death is made even more painful due to the feelings of guilt!

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